Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ourania Teleport to Craft Runes

Ourania Teleport is one of the Handy Lunar Spells.
ADVICE: Carry a Mud Battlestaff or Earth and 8 Astral and 4 Law runes. You usually make enough laws and astrals for every trip. I ended up banking some and kept the level to 8/4 all the time in my inventory.
Spirit Terrorbirds [Lvl 52 sum] can replenish your run energy.

Experience Gained: 686xp
Runes Carried: 41 Pure essence
Runes Crafted: 41 Various; 4 laws, 6 astral

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Handy Lunar Spells

PLANK MAKE spell - lvl 86
2 Astral, 15 Earth, 1 Nature, Coins***
regular log - 70gp [100 reg]
Oak log - 175gp [250 reg]
Teak log - 350gp [500 reg]
Mahogany log - 1050gp [1500 reg]
Advice: Since Nats usually sell for 300 to 350 each,
the only logs worthwhile are the Mahogany. Otherwise
it's only good as a matter of convenience.



Thursday, December 18, 2008





Monday, December 15, 2008

Manage Thy Kingdom MiniGame

Manage Thy Kingdom MiniGame on
Once you finish the quest Throne of Miscellania Quest you can do this cool MiniGame.
It allows you to gain resources such as coal, gems, maple logs, high level seeds, herbs, farm vegetables and fish for swordies and tuna. Great way to gain resources for an investment of about 75k a day.
ADVICE: You need to keep your daily balance at least to 750K to get the best return. I return about once a week and chop maples to get my approval rating up to 100% then go check with the adviser. I then put in at least 525K [75k x 7 days] to bring the coffer level to 1.275 M. That way there will be enough money in there till my trip next week.

NOTE ON ABOVE ADVICE: I now keep my Balance @ 7.5 million and go once a week and wear Fremennik sea boots [Approval rating Bonus See here] and put in 525k and mine coal [about 3 ores] to bring my rating up to 100 percent.

Comparison MTK Stats 
NOTE: Prices have changed since 2009

I put 525k in for one whole week and then return. The April 5, 2009 Collection was worth 544k, not to mention the herbs. It's worth it.

Mtk - April 12, 2009
26 grimy irit; 45 harralander; 41 taromin; 17 dwarf weed; 11 cadantine; 35 avantoe; 13 kwuarm; 12 ranarr; 9 lantadyme. 6 saph; 2 emerald; 1 ruby; 1869 coal; 18 seeds; 12 jewels?; 30 nests [crushed]; 3051 maples.1 tarromin seed; 1 Avantoe seed.
minus maples = 767,389gp + 109,836gp [maples]= 877,225gp Total
Total Profit = 325225 gp

Mtk - April 19, 2009
Total = 1,056,257gp; Total Profit = 531,257gp
Definitely worth it!

Mtk - March 5, 2010
Total = 2,425,771gp;  Total Profit = 1,900,771
NOTE: On above, I had 7.5 mil in the coffers.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

RS Friends

She is Lvl 38 atm.... mostly mage.

 Blu Lass .... very low lvl atm.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

Best Fairy Ring Locations/Codes!

TIP IT [RS Helpsite] has the best Fairy Ring Maps!

Pots by Level - 45 to 69

Muliple Runes at Level....

2X Comic @ lvl 59
6X Mind @ lvl 70
3x Fire @ lvl 70
2X Chaos @ lvl 74
Giant Rune pouch @ lvl 75
5x Water @ lvl 76
8X Air @ lvl 77
4x Earth @ lvl 78
2X Astral @ lvl 82
2X Nature @ lvl 91
3X Body @ lvl 92

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Armor Stats - Full Dharoks

Plus ...Barrows Gloves, glory ammy, Dragon boots & obby cape.

Minus...Great axe. Plus...All above, Chrystal shield & Abyssal whip.

Farming Inventory [Trees]

Laws runes
Runes = earth - Lumby, water - Fally, and Fire - Varrock
Air Staff
Boots of lightness
Dramen staff for rings...

1000 gold for any expenses
Dragon axe

super energy pots
* Don't forget the trees...

Tree Maps

Normal Trees...

Fruit Trees...


Range LVL 77! 5/20/2009

Advice: From Lvl 75 up, use the crystal bow.
Sal's Range skill helps here.

RuneScape Manuals

The RuneScape Manuals are found on the website.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Barrows armor

Barrow Armor Link @ Runescape Wikia

Instead of Karil's Bow and rack, use Mage short bow and rune arrows...if you like.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Helps for different Member Rings!

Go to Sal's Realm for the Ring Guide.

Ring of Charos from Dr. Fenkenstrain.
If you've lost it you'll need to pickpocket Dr. Fenkenstrain.
He is in the basement of the Harmony Island building you first teleport to if you've done the Great Brain Robbery.
Otherwise he's in the Castle.
To get to Harmony, Brother Tranquility has to teleport you there from Mos Le'Harmless and Bill Teach has to take you there by boat from Port Phasmatys.