Friday, November 28, 2008

Best Fairy Ring Locations/Codes!

TIP IT [RS Helpsite] has the best Fairy Ring Maps!

Pots by Level - 45 to 69

Muliple Runes at Level....

2X Comic @ lvl 59
6X Mind @ lvl 70
3x Fire @ lvl 70
2X Chaos @ lvl 74
Giant Rune pouch @ lvl 75
5x Water @ lvl 76
8X Air @ lvl 77
4x Earth @ lvl 78
2X Astral @ lvl 82
2X Nature @ lvl 91
3X Body @ lvl 92

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Armor Stats - Full Dharoks

Plus ...Barrows Gloves, glory ammy, Dragon boots & obby cape.

Minus...Great axe. Plus...All above, Chrystal shield & Abyssal whip.

Farming Inventory [Trees]

Laws runes
Runes = earth - Lumby, water - Fally, and Fire - Varrock
Air Staff
Boots of lightness
Dramen staff for rings...

1000 gold for any expenses
Dragon axe

super energy pots
* Don't forget the trees...

Tree Maps

Normal Trees...

Fruit Trees...


Range LVL 77! 5/20/2009

Advice: From Lvl 75 up, use the crystal bow.
Sal's Range skill helps here.

RuneScape Manuals

The RuneScape Manuals are found on the website.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Barrows armor

Barrow Armor Link @ Runescape Wikia

Instead of Karil's Bow and rack, use Mage short bow and rune arrows...if you like.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Helps for different Member Rings!

Go to Sal's Realm for the Ring Guide.

Ring of Charos from Dr. Fenkenstrain.
If you've lost it you'll need to pickpocket Dr. Fenkenstrain.
He is in the basement of the Harmony Island building you first teleport to if you've done the Great Brain Robbery.
Otherwise he's in the Castle.
To get to Harmony, Brother Tranquility has to teleport you there from Mos Le'Harmless and Bill Teach has to take you there by boat from Port Phasmatys.