Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stealing Creation

World 99 - Skilling Clan
Clan chat to Start: fast sc456
During Play use CC: fast sc
Leaders I've seen there: Nosebleed / Kitty1191

GATHER 5 level 1 clays and make the 4 tools and 1 bow to equip.
FIND a level 3 or 4 resource and make that type of tool.
GATHER 5 more clays to make the other 3 tools, summoning pouch, and special.
MAKE arrows and send them to base via special move of familiar.

Class One - Anyone
Class Two - 20
Class Three - 40
Class Four - 60
Class Five - 80
Crafting allow making of Harpoons//Butterfly nets
Smithing allows making of Pickaxes/Hatches
Summoning allows making of Clay Beings

Reward Points
1 point for each 1000 SC points rounded down before 20k.
20,000 = 20 // 22,000 = 21
26,000 = 22 // 34,000 = 23
50,000 = 24 // 82,000 = 25
146,000 =26

Rewards from Rewards
NOTE: 20,000 exp. needed for 20 points to buy Morphic or Volatile tool.
Morphic Tool (Proto-tool)
Costs 20 Points.
The Morphic tool is an mini-tool which can change into one of several different tools. You can command it to turn into a pickaxe, hatchet, butterfly net, hammer, knife, harpoon, or needle. These are used exactly the same as a normal tool, but provide a boost that doubles (2x) the experience you would ordinarily gain while using it. It has a level 40 skill requirement. It lasts for a certain amount of xp gained as that type of tool. Once all charges in this tool are used, it will disintegrate, and you will have to get a new one.
Volatile Tool
Costs 20 Points.
The Volatile tool is similar to the Morphic tool, but you do not choose which tool it transforms into. However, it provides a boost that more than doubles (2.2x) the experience you would ordinarily gain while using it. When you command it to change, it will randomly turn into a pickaxe, hatchet, butterfly net, hammer, knife, harpoon, or needle. If you do not wish to use that random tool, you can "sacrifice" 1/10th of the charges to get another random tool. You must have level 40 in the related skill to use the tool. The time you can use the tool depends upon your level in the skill; then it will return to its natural form. After ten changes, it will disintegrate.

Sacred Clay Armour and Weapons
This per Runescape.wikia Stealing Creation Rewards

Any weapon and full armor set costs 108 points total.
Each peice may be recharged for 20 points ea or 80 total.
Wearing all pieces makes the double experience points last 4 times longer as all deplete equally.

Melee set requires lvl 40 Def / 40 Atk for weapon.
Mage set requires 40 Def/Mag to equip and use
Range set requires 40 Def/Range to equip.